Some simple understandings of the large language model

Some simple understandings of the large language model

The effect of the ChatGPT is stunning enough, GPT4 provides even more accurate and amazing capabilities. The entire IT industry is currently experiencing a shake-up due to the large models. Every company is trying to develop its LLM to keep up with the tech trend.

It makes me curious: What is the difference between LLM and deep learning that we knew in the past? Here’s some of my rough understanding.

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PVOD Regression - Photovoltaic power output prediction based on weather data

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flaxformer'

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No module named ‘flaxformer’

Recently, Google used more and more models built on JAX and Flax. When I try to run Vision Transformer pretrained models created by Google, I got the following error.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flaxformer'

But I already installed the requirements.txt, I was confused about the error. And the flaxformer can not be installed by using pip install [package name] since it did not release on PyPI.

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Windows11/10快捷键启动缓慢的解决方案 Solution to slow start with hot key on Windows11/10


Starting with hotkey always run slow on Windows.

快捷键启动指的是诸如win+shift+数字键Ctrl+Alt+自定义键的快捷键启动方式,比如自定义Ctrl+Alt+T为Windows Terminal的快捷键。

Starting with hotkey means hotkeys like win+shift+num and Ctrl+Alt+custom keyon Windows. For example, people often set Ctrl+Alt+T to be the hotkey of starting Windows Terminal.

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